A Brief History On Apps

Mobile marketing managers and app developers often get their greatest ideas from the past. When developing new apps and app marketing strategies, your business’s primary step should be to take a look at how application development has evolved. Each and every step throughout app development history is just another lesson learned and offers helpful insights and inspiration for your own business’s apps.

What were the first apps?

In 1983, the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X was the cell phone that started it all. It led the development for all other mobile phones, including the smartphones and apps that users can’t live without today. Though the giant brick of a phone did little more than making calls, Nokia and other companies decided to add more functions by the addition of simple games such as Snake, Pong and Tic-Tac-Toe. These apps were simple, but they played on the popularity of games that were available on the market for game consoles. They also significantly changed how users thought about phones and paved the way for app development. Naturally, simple led to customers seeking more, but it would be decades before app developers began providing the variety of apps that customers really wanted.

Customers want more

Initially, mobile users only had access to simple apps, though at times difficult to use, such as calculators, ringtone creators, basic arcade games and calendars. The competition in the mobile market in the 80s and 90s meant that mobile manufacturers sensibly guarded their secrets and didn’t leave their platforms open for development. Consequently, app development was exclusively in-house. Yet, mobile companies attempted to offer customers more apps by means of the Internet, using the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP). WAP was designed to address the drawbacks 90s phones had such as little storage, restricted processing power and monochrome screens. Though it seemed great to begin with, consumers quickly saw the drawbacks, including apps limited to a single manufacturer, high usage charges and intricate methods of actually receiving apps.

Making complicated; simple

By 1993, IBM tried something new – a mobile touchscreen device. Simon, as it was titled, included access to pre-installed apps for the tasks users desired most, such as a calendar, clock, notepad, email, contacts, and games. The easier to use device, along with access to better apps made them extremely popular. RIM built upon this feat with the first Blackberry that was devoted to email – still a commonly used type of app.

Apps finally go mainstream

Consumers still wouldn’t truly get what they really wanted until 2007 and 2008 when Apple introduced the first iPhone followed by the Apple App Store. Users now had access to an entire bazaar of apps that were easy to access and install. Though options were still limited, the future was more evident for app development companies – giving customers the variety and the ease of access they’ve been looking for since the 80s. The Android market followed rapidly just several months later. HTC introduced the first commercially available Android phone the same month giving Apple competition just months after their own releases. Both markets quickly reached one billion app downloads with Apple hitting the mark in 2009 and Android just a year later. At that time, Apple also changed the game by releasing the iPad, offering users yet another way to use apps.

Increasing competition

App development companies are constantly in competition, but each company has the same available audience to market to. Looking at the history of app development, app developers can learn which types of apps users want most. With every popular app, developers have another chance to create a better version. And with every device released, developers have a new way to display apps.

In 2015, businesses were constantly being told to improve their mobile strategy – so much so that they are embracing a ‘mobile first’ approach. Not only are receptive websites important for businesses, but apps are progressively being seen as a way for businesses to find fresh and exciting ways to change the lives of their customers. Customers who work from home, travel regularly and are always connected are looking for methods of accessing the things they need faster and easier, and mobile apps offer just that.

Applord is a young and energetic company that specialises in the ever changing, fast growing world of application development. Marketing your application is of vital importance, which is why Applord offers various marketing schemes. Applord has several different options, and they will help you choose the most relevant model according to your application’s requirements. A cost per download model is available if required, and Applord can assist in monetising any application in vary forms such as user purchase, subscriptions (monthly or yearly), mobile banner advertisements or shopping carts. Applord’s highly experienced team are more than capable of handling projects of any size.


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